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Buckwheat and Spanky

Length: One Reel
Producer: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Director: Herbert Glazer
Photography: Chales Schoenbaum
Editor: Leon Bourgeau
Writer: Robert A. McGowan and Hal Law
Released: November 28, 1942
Studio: M-G-M

Main Cast[]

Supporting Cast[]

  • Barry Downing - Ken
  • Emmett Vogan - Ken's Father
  • Ernestine Wade - Extra
  • Ernie Alexander - Mickey's Father
  • Margaret Bert - Mickey's Father
  • Stanley Logan - Extra
  • Symona Boniface - Extra
  • Willa Pearl Curtis - Big Shot's Mother

The Short[]

Plot: The gang gets a fortune from a penny fortune-telling machine promising them unexpected riches and are overheard by Ken, whose father wants him to dig a hole to plant a shade tree. To get out of doing the work, Ken draws a map of the location that his father wants dug and slips the map into the gang's clubhouse. Following the supposed treasure map, they even pay Ken ten cents for permission to dig on his property. As Spanky does the digging, the others describe what they'll do with their shares of the fortune. Mickey wants to buy his parents an expensive mansion, patriotic Froggy wants to buy the army a battleship and Buckwheat wants to share free fried chicken and watermelon from his chauffeur-driven limousine. By now, Ken's father notices the activity and comes over to investigate. After realizing what has happened, he gives the Rascals the dollar-fifty he was going to give Ken for the job.

  • None


  • This was George McFarland's last appearance as Spanky. At fourteen, he had starred in more shorts than any other Rascal except for Allen Hoskins who had played Farina. Ironically, Our Gang would wrap production only ten shorts later.
  • According to their fantasies, Mickey wants to make his parents happy and Froggy and Buckwheat want to be famous for their generosity. Spanky is too busy digging the hole to share his fantasy, but one wonders of it might have resembled Alfalfa's vision for him in Our Gang Follies Of 1938. In a previous draft of the script, Spanky was going to open his own circus.
  • Actress Symona Bonaface also appeared in Washee Ironee.
  • Actress Willa Pearl Curtis later plays Buckwheat's mother in Tale Of A Dog.
  • Goof:A chef's hat suddenly appears on Buckwheat's chauffeur's head as he prepares to distribute the free food to Buckwheat's friends.

