Our Gang Wikia Wiki
Our Gang Wikia Wiki


Character: Buddy McDonald
Birthday: October 1, 1922
Place of Birth: Coalinga, California
Date of Death: September 22, 2008
Place of Death: Seal Beach, California
First Short: Pups Is Pups
Last Short: Hook And Ladder
Number of Shorts: 4
Year Active: 1930–1959
History: Thomas "Buddy" McDonald was the freckle-faced youth in a handful of Our Gang shorts in the Miss Crabtree years. After he left the series, he had a normal life from the Fifties when he became an alcoholic and ended up in Alcoholics Anonymous. Unlike a few tragic Rascal stories, he fought and overcame his addiction to help found the Southern California Alcohol And Drug programs and work with Downey Municipal Judge Leon Emerson to help people arrested on alcoholic abuse stay out of jail and to recovery programs, such as Cider House at Norwalk State Mental Hospital. Through his work, he spoke out to teenagers and often regaled others of his life as a former Rascal. He married and settled down in Downey, California with three children, losing a daughter in 2005. He passed away in 2008 of congestive heart failure.

List of Shorts[]

Other Projects[]

  • Seal Skins (1932)
