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Telling Whoppers

Bonedust, Jackie, Joe, Farina, Jay R., Scooter

Production Notes[]

Length: Two Reel
Producer: Hal Roach
Director: Robert McGowan
Editor: Richard Currier
Titles: H. M. Walker
Writer: Hal Roach
Released: December 19, 1926
Studio: Pathe Exchange

Main Cast[]

Supporting Cast[]

  • Charles McAvoy - Police Officer
  • Charley Young - Farmer
  • Dorothy Vernon - Tuffy's mother
  • Gene Vernon - Police Officer
  • Silas D. Wilcox - Police Officer

The Short[]

Plot: A bully named Tuffy Thompson is in the neighborhood beating up the kids, taking their spending money, forcing them to bark like dogs, and making them stand on their heads. It's up to Joe Cobb and Farina to do something about him, after drawing black marbles out of a box while the rest draw white marbles at a meeting of the Royle Secret Order Of Lion-Harted Nights at a clubhouse known only as "Our Shack." Peggy tells Joe and Farina that Tuffy left town for Chicago so they return to the clubhouse with a story on how they beat Tuffy up and tossed him into Coogan Lake. The gang is excited, but Tuffy is chased from the nearby swimming hole without his clothes. When Tuffy's mother finds his clothes covered in red stains, the result of Tuffy stumbling while climbing over a fence while carrying a hat full of fresh picked strawberries, she thinks it's blood and calls the police. Joe and Farina now have had their story come true and run into Tuffy dressed in just his undershorts and a sheet from a laundry line and think he's a ghost. Eventually, everything gets straightened out and Tuffy gets spanked in front of the gang by his mother for scaring her.


  • "- I'm gonna save my noze -" - Joe to Farina
    "- Ah wanna save mah head - Ah need it -" - Farina to Joe
  • " - He isn't in town no more - He's left for Chicago - He needed more room." - Peggy Eames, talking about Tuffy


  • Later released on the Mischief Makers TV series in the 1960's, under the title "The Big Bully."
  • This short was later condensed and renamed "Telling Stories."
  • The bully spells his name "Tuffy" on several signs ordering the kids around, but the intertitle cards spell the name "Toughey."
  • This short's copyright was renewed by Hal Roach Studios on November 12, 1954 (No. R140920).

