Our Gang Wikia Wiki
07-OurGang TheBigShow1923 091 0001

In my copy of the short, I seem to notice George Warde as the boy looking at "reindeer." Although, I don't see him listed as one of the cast members. If I am right about this, I'll go ahead and add it to the supporting cast. On the right, here is the picture that I think is him. Yorky97 (talk) 02:00, October 20, 2012 (UTC)

  • We've usually been going by what is listed at theluckycorner.com, where this character isn't named, but it sure does look like George "Freckles" Warde based on his picture on his page. Let's see what Thor2000 has to say. Rjh (talk) 04:26, October 20, 2012 (UTC)