Our Gang Wikia Wiki
Our Gang Wikia Wiki

"Jimmy" links to wrong "Jimmy"[]

There is a problem here. The "Jimmy" in this short links to the Jimmy who is Jackie Condon's older brother in "Our Gang." Should we rename that Jimmy "Jimmy Condon" and call the Jimmy here just "Jimmy?" Or maybe make this Jimmy "Jimmy T" since that's the actor's last initial?

Also, why is this considered a spook-related short? There isn't anything spooky or scary in it. Rjh 04:47, July 8, 2011 (UTC)

  • Jimmy T sounds good. Not sure why it's linked as a Spook-Related Short either. That can be dropped. Thor2000 16:21, July 13, 2011 (UTC)

Dressed as girls[]

Lots of boys dressed as girls throughout the series. Buckwheat in Pay As You Exit, Mickey Daniels in Giants Vs. Yanks, Farina lots of times ... it's a big job to list all of the occurrences. Rjh 03:51, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

  • I knew there were a lot of occasions I missed, but I think I got the most memorable ones. Thor2000 16:40, July 25, 2011 (UTC)