Okay, it should have been a "pack of gum" instead of a "stick of gum," but couldn't that have been corrected instead of deleted? I appreciate being corrected when I'm wrong, but it bugs me to have accurate things I write deleted by someone else. A reason for including the gum was to make more sense of the quote stating that the dog likes gum. Also, there were exactly two dog biscuits in the bag; one each for Spanky and Alfalfa, but that's less important. Rjh 04:36, July 10, 2011 (UTC)
Sorry about that. I took out the gum reference because Porky and Buckwheat never actually got any. But I can certainly put the information back. Mtw12055 23:53, July 10, 2011 (UTC)
I did watch this carefully, and Porky and Buckwheat do get the gum. Hiram places it on one of the cream puffs, at the extreme left edge of the screen. The boys don't get around to chewing it because they eat the cream puffs and cake first, and then get arrested. I didn't mean for you to undo all your changes; most of them were improvements, so I edited the version you had before, putting back the chewing gum. Rjh 04:25, July 12, 2011 (UTC)
Ahh. Good eyesight! I always assumed the constable politely refused to give the boys chewing gum. Something else about this film that I noticed, is Darla supposed to be Spanky's sister in this one? I know this would be the only short in which she is, but should it be mentioned anywhere? Mtw12055 17:39, July 12, 2011 (UTC)
None of the usual sources suggest Darla is Spanky's sister here, but the way she comes out of the house that Spanky is in front of and the way she says "Mom just said so," instead of "My Mom just said so," suggests that she could be. Perhaps a note explaining exactly what was happens is in order. This must rank as one of the smallest parts by a regular cast member in one short. Rjh 05:31, July 13, 2011 (UTC)