Our Gang Wikia Wiki
Our Gang Wikia Wiki


Character: Paul Toien
Birthday: December 7, 1915
Place of Birth: Malden, Massachusetts
Date of Death: January 26, 1966
Place of Death: Los Angeles, California
First Short: Olympic Games
Last Short: Barnum & Ringling, Inc.
Year Active: 1921–1951
Number of Shorts: 3
History: Not much is known about Paul Toien. The Internet Movie Database shows him as having been in one other film after appearing in a few Our Gang shorts. Afterward, he served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and later became an engineer and architect.  He was also married and had two sons. He passed away in 1966.

List of Shorts[]

Other Projects[]

  • Folies Bergere de Paris (1935) (uncredited)
