Mr. Jones is the new truant officer for Greenpoint Grammar School. He has a pretty daughter named Marianne Jones and drives a car with license plate number 2R 240. Spanky McFarland honks the horn on the vehicle to have Mr. Jones come out and chase off the boys who come to visit Marianne.
It's possible that their house is the Jones House that Darla Hood and her family move into in Bear Facts. It's not known if the Joneses just get another house or leave Greenpoint altogether.
- Mr. Jones was played by actor Dick Elliot, possibly best known for playing the original mayor on "The Andy Griffith Show" from 1960 to 1961.
- Truant officers were local officers connected to the school system assigned to pick up and stop kids from truancy {skipping school). Along with Mr. Smithers, they feature in several Our Gang shorts, most notably Fish Hooky, which reunited the original team of Little Rascals and featured Mickey Daniels as the truant officer. The position has now been phased out in most states with the police dealing with truancy instead.