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Spanky, Alfalfa, Pete, Buckwheat, and Porky

Production Notes[]

Length: Eleven Minutes
Producer: Oscar Dufau, William Hanna, and Joseph Barbera
Director: Unrevealed
Writer: Earl Kress
Released: October 23, 1982
Studio: Hanna-Barbera Productions and King World Productions

Main Cast[]

The Short[]

Plot: The boys enter Darla’s cake in the Bilgebury bake-off contest, but Porky ate the entire cake before the Rascals got to enter the contest. However, when the day of the contest came, Darla came down with an illness, but the boys entered Darla's house (with her consent, of course) to retrieve the cake that Darla baked, and bring it to the auditorium where the contest is taking place. The Rascals try to replicate Darla's recipe by using random ingredients. Plus, since the judges never got a chance to meet Darla in person (and likely won't this time around), the Rascals have Alfalfa wear a blond wig with pigtails and a different pink dress, to make the judge think she is Darla. The boys return to the auditorium with the ingredients and one of Buckwheat's inventions to bake the cake efficiently, and when the boys asked for the piece of paper with the recipe on it, it got caught inside Porky's sandwich, and after Alfalfa started to read it, the piece of paper with the recipe on it split apart and the bottom half fell to the stage. The boys put both halves together and put the ingredients together. Then, Buckwheat's mixing machine is ready for action, but the machine gets out of control and Buckwheat tries to turn off the machine, but the switch snaps off, and the mixture splatters all over the stage area, but Buckwheat stops his machine by pulling the plug. As a last ditch attempt to win the contest for Darla, yeast is added to the mix, and the cake goes in the oven - but apparently, too much yeast was used and the cake blew up so much, it took up the entire floor of the stage, and Spanky used a fork to stop the expansion - and splattered the entire studio, including the judge, the contestants, and the audience. Darla's recipe ended up winning by default, and Spanky supposedly expected to receive prize money which he intends to give to Darla, but based on the boys' disbelieved reactions and fainting in the end, the prize was not what they expected it to be.

  • None.


  • Originally aired with Porky-O And Julie-Et and No Hit Wit.
  • The Bilgebury Bake-off Contest is a spoof of the Pillsbury Bake-Off, a bi-annual contest which would next take place on February 21, 1984 at the time this episode aired.
  • Of all the 11-minute shorts in the series, Darla has the least amount of time in terms of appearances in this short.
  • When Darla fell ill, she claimed she was diagnosed with "turkey pox."

