Character: Jimmy Farren
Birthday: February 27 1922
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Date of Death: September 27, 1979
Place of Death: Dallas, Texas
First Short: Crazy House
Last Short: School Begins
Number of Shorts: 4
Year Active: 1928–1979
History: Not much is known about James Farren at this point. There's an IMDB listing for a "James Farren" in the movie "Didn't You Hear" (1983), which his grandson confirms is not him. In 1928, James won a contest to join the Our Gang series. Three other boys (Bill Umer, Eugene Pearson, and Ben Parsons) were runners-up in the contest, and were given the chance to have bit parts in Crazy House.
List of Shorts[]
Other Projects[]
- None known