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Jackie Davis


Name: Jack "Jackie" Davis
Nickname: "The Bone Crusher" (in The Champeen), Skinny (in The Big Town)
Played By: Jackie Davis (actor)
Born: Unrevealed
Relatives: Imogene (sister)
Clubs: Cluck Cluck Klams
First Short: Young Sherlocks
Last Short: Derby Day


Bio: Jackie Davis is a member of the kids who attend Mother Malone's Boarding School in Boys To Board. With them, he plays baseball in the street in Official Officers and football against the Goose Alley Juniors in July Days. He rides a donkey-powered double-decker bus in Back Stage , gets a scooter from Mr. Anderson, the blacksmith, in July Days, gets confused as a welfare kid for a trip to San Francisco in A Pleasant Journey and helps turn a barn into a clubhouse for their club, The Cluck Cluck Klams, innocently wearing sheets out of observing a certain American hate group.
Jackie does develop a crush on Mary Kornman, twice fighting Mickey Daniels for the honor of being with her in The Champeen and Dogs Of War. Both times, Mary gets distracted by someone else.
Quotes: "Jus' wait till I getcha in the ring!" - The Champeen

