Our Gang Wikia Wiki
Our Gang Wikia Wiki

The gang toiling away inside the Happyland Home Orphanage


The Happyland Home Orphanage was a local orphanage for kids poorly run and maintained by a man the kids called Old Wart-Head. He chased after them with a whip trying to keep them in line, but Farina's Uncle Tom sneaked food to the kids so that they never went hungry. However, when Tom's own nieces and nephew, Farina, Mango and Pleurisy were grabbed by social workers, Tom came to the rescue and took all the kids. The incident opened an investigation, and Tom was placed in charge of running the place under much better conditions than before.
The orphans that lived there consisted of kids who resembled or actually were Joe Cobb, Johnny Downs, Scooter Lowry, Jackie Condon, Peggy Eames, Mildred Kornman, Jean Darling and Jay R. Smith.

