The Greenpoint Community Hospital is the primary health care facility in Greenpoint. At one time or another, several of the Rascals and their relatives come here to be treated for illness or injury. Mickey and Darla both had tonsilitis here, but several years apart. Dickie Moore was treated for a stiff neck, and Mickey Gubitosi was brought here after being hit by a car. Wheezer brings his baby brother here to try and get rid of him, but when it turns out to be a doll, the murses and staff all play along with him. Security and records seem lax because when Alfalfa comes to visit Darla, he allows himself to trade places with a young kid trying to escape surgery.
Local physicians in Greenpoint include Dr. Howe, Dr. Lucas, Dr. Parkson, Dr. Pipp, Dr. Royal Sorghum and Dr. Scott. Greenpoint also has a few dentists including Dr. Hertz, Dr. Hood, Dr. Kilroy and Dr. Parker as well as an eye doctor named C. Moore.