Character: Elmo
Birthday: June 14, 1912
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Date of Death: February 6, 1964
Place of Death: Los Angeles, California
First Short: Fire Fighters
Last Short: Official Officers
Number of Shorts: 7
Year Active: 1925–1964
History: Born Elmo G. Ludwick to Benjamin and Margaret Ludwick (also known as Ted and Margaret Billings), Elmo was a peripheral Rascal in the very early Silent Film shorts. During the Fifties, he worked behind the scenes in the television and movie industry. His brother is Richard Billings. He is probably not related to fellow Rascal, Georgie Billings. He died on February 6, 1964, just a year before his brother passed on. Not much more information can be found about him.
List of Shorts[]
- Fire Fighters
- The Big Show
- The Champeen!
- A Pleasant Journey
- Dogs Of War!
- Lodge Night
- Official Officers
Other Projects[]
- April Fool (1924) - with Charley Chase
- Driftwood (1924)
- Flames of Desire (1924)
- Locked Doors (1925)
- The Midnight Flyer (1925)
- It (1927)
- Tumbling River (1927)
- The Way Of All Pants (1927)
- Silver City (1951) - as Editor
- Flaming Feather (1952) - as Editor
- Terry And The Pirates TV-Series (1953) - as Editorial Supervisor