Business being conducted in the Eagles Club
The Eagles Club was the successor club to the Ancient And Honery Order Of Wood Chucks; this time with Spanky, the former treasurer when Stymie was leader, as president, possibly to make up for the incidents that closed the previous club. The club tries to win $50 in a local radio contest by running their own talent contest to find the one person among them with the most talent. However, they have no faith in Alfalfa's singing ability despite his conviction to try out as many times he can in various costumes. The club eventually elects Darla to represent them, but when she runs late for the contest after ballet class, Alfalfa takes her place. His honest and earnest yet awkward performance (and the umpteen calls of the club members), push him over the top to win the day. This incident is possibly the basis of his ego in Spanky's later Our Gang Follies Of 1938.
Roll Call: Alfalfa Switzer, Barbara Goodrich, Billy Mindy, Buckwheat Thomas, Daniel Boone, Darla Hood, Dickie De Nuet, Jerry Tucker, Kay Frye, Marianne, Paul Hilton, Peggy Lynch, Porky, Rex Downing, Sidney, Spanky McFarland, Uh-Huh Collum,