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Character: Imogene
Birthday: September 10th, 1921
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Date of Death: November 03, 2014
Place of Death: Grays Harbor County, Washington, United States of America
First Short: A Pleasant Journey
Last Short: Fish Hooky
Number of Shorts: 4
Year Active: 1923–1993
History: Doris Oelze was the daughter of Rascals prop-man Charlie Oelze who created many of the contraptons and visual gags in the series. Not much else is known about her. She is currently living with her daughter.
Until 2014, Doris was one of the few surviving Rascals along with Robert Blake, Paul Hilton, Sidney Kibrick and Betty Jane Beard. According to the Lord Heath website, she passed away in April 2014.

List of Shorts[]

Other Projects[]

  • None Known
